Thursday 30 June 2011

The Abdominal Posture

Correct posture, you should always strive to maintain. Whether you walk, take a piece of stuff, working with a computer, watching TV, just lying in bed - what you do - good posture is important. This is one of the things learned in elementary school, but taken for granted. Now here is a chance to learn everything again.

Poor posture has many unpleasant consequences. Because of this you tend to tire easily and stress yourself. Often, this back pain, stiff neck and muscle pain appears. In extreme cases involving movement, the sprains and spinal cord injury may contribute to more serious things. Conversely, looking at the situation not only avoids these undesirable but avoidable injuries and pain, but also helps you to work and move efficiently and effortlessly. Also, you feel taller and healthier, and too thin, and you feel that your clothes fit you better.
Abdominal muscles and good posture
Spine and pelvic parts of our body that are prone to the effects of gravity. Therefore, it is important that the posture to help prevent them from becoming overloaded. Help support this, the development of abdominal muscles to maintain good posture in order to secure the spine and pelvis and health is emphasized.
In fact, the abdominal muscles that run the length of the trunk and torso. Spine and pelvis and power and energy transfer to the stabilization of the hands and feet: they have two important functions. Here is a list of some of these muscles:
• the right side of stomach. Abdominal muscles is the best known, because of its presence "six pack" is called, is in front of the stomach.
• Manufacturers spinae muscles in your lower back three that connects your throat to.
With the bottom of the spinal cord and spine • Multifidus, these muscles are responsible for the rotation and extension of the spine.
• External and internal obliques. The side and stomach, is found on the front of each other down and run in opposite directions.
• transverse abs. Found deep in the abdomen, around your spine wraps.
• hip flexor muscles. They are found throughout the basin and connected to the upper thighs.
Exercise for the abdominal muscles and their benefits
• lack of standards. On your back with knees bent and feet flat on your back. Without moving your head, lift your shoulders and move your hips toward your ribs. Your chest, your head place your hands on the side or above, increasing the difficulty of exercise. Do this slowly, taking two seconds to climb, it was raised to the chest for 2 seconds, then off for another 2 seconds. This exercise targets the rectus abdominis.
• reverse curls. Rectus abdominis and obliques with this exercise works the lower fibers. To do this, you lie on your back and slowly lift your hips off the floor toward your chest to your knees without. Then, contracting your abdominal muscles, slowly lift your hips to bring your knees toward your chest. The simple version is with hands on floor. Version and your hands in the air on the floor is hard elbow.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Inner Smile - a Meditation

Inner Smile is a practicing Hindu traditions, the Buddhist and Taoist. This practice has been a great concern, balance the endocrine system, and you have increased the sense of kindness and compassion. Here's How You ...
A straight-backed chair in a cool (near the edge straight with your feet parallel and knees, sitting), or sit on the ground, whether (in a comfortable cross-legged, or find the location "hero" status, on ankles sitting). The most important thing is to feel relaxed and your spine in a position to be in the top right. Let your eyes close slowly. Take a couple of long deep breath, and exhale as you (either out loud or internally), says, "ah". As you exhale and "ah" feeling in the face of any unnecessary stress, says jaw, neck and shoulders just as a series of silk scarves in the melt, flowing from your body to the ground. Note the feeling of space in your mouth, such as the dome of a temple roof of your mouth.
Now let your breathing return to normal, and float upward to the tip of your tongue, letting it gently on the roof of your mouth just behind your upper front teeth (a "sweet spot" that's just right can find the rest!) Seems is. Keep your tongue lightly touching the roof of your mouth (with your eyes still closed), to smile to myself ... A very soft, subtle smile ... A bit like the Mona Lisa ... As if you just smile at you, for no particular reason, leaving your lips and spread filling. Notice how it feels.
Have your attention now to the bridge of your nose (your eyes) on your forehead between your eyebrows that space the inner edges, ~. Note that when you rest your attention there, makes energy ... Where you can get as a feeling of warmth or tingling. (But whatever your experience, that's great!) Put a stigma on the area and then slowly to the center of your brain to your attention (grab the space between your two ears). So now your mind, your mind is a few inches above the several points. It sits in the center of your brain ~ Taoist Yoga is a place called Crystal Palace, the sum is called the Cave of Brahma in the Hindu tradition. The pineal gland, pituitary and hypothalamus of the house: endocrine system, the "master gland" It is enough to energize these glands, to our attention here, is in itself a wonderful medical practice ..
For your attention later in this place for several minutes (always with a gentle smile, eyes closed, and the tongue lightly touching the roof of your mouth), the rest of your brain, Crystal Palace, Cave of Brahma- to draw your attention to your eyes, and his eyes became as support for the "smiling eyes.", that you the person you love most in this world are looking into the eyes of the imagination ... And they can see you back in your eyes the energy of compassion, acceptance, fill with joy .. Notice how it feels.
Now you "smiling eyes" ~ ~ to any part of your body that you can use internal smile: this place with good energy, the branch, to infuse the body you want to start Maybe! On top of his head by the hair, your head, your brain and eyes and ears ... Work your way down, from head to toe, "touch" your body with every part of the energy of a smile or a place that is injured or sick, or numbness or you choose to smile . You can smile with your heart., Your lungs, your liver, your kidneys, your spleen / pancreas ... Love, do they work for you, day and night with the energy of a smile, welcoming possibilities for these institutions. Are endless!

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Kriya Yoga

The elders who practice yoga rapid action to accelerate the spirituality and helps them reach a state of peace with God, the sum of depth. In the 19th century yogi Babaji Lahiri Mahasaya his pupil around the year1816 was revived by the designated Mahavatar.
Disciple Lahiri Mahasaya into Kriya Yoga taught by the traditional relationship and it still continued the family tradition. This Pranayama Kundalini yoga asanas and meditation are based on methods that have many of the techniques. The 18 effective asana postures, gestures and Banda, adds, and steps are taught in the major energy centers awaken "cycles."
Kriya yoga, or awareness of the textual integration, which means with a verb, is a self-knowledge and truth of your being. It is said that Kriya Yoga makes me free from past karma. The five-phase action, Hatha Yoga, Kriya Kundalini Pranayama, Kriya Dhyana Yoga, Kriya Mantra Yoga and Bhakti Yoga is being taught in action. Kriya yoga, basic objectives of the body is an intense mental and physical relaxation. Kriya Yoga should learn to really know yourself, and spirit, focus your senses.
Medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar plexus, religious and coccygeal. These six spinal centers correspond to the twelve signs of the man. And the only action Yoganand half minute equals one year of natural spiritual mettle.
Swami Satyananda said, Atman to be in practice "," action can be thought of as spiritual discipline. "
Kriya Yoga is an ancient Indian technique that Yoganand America, but because of indifference and secrecy among the people lost in the middle centuries.Release the power of life and brings him under control. "According to Yoganand, Pathanjali also refers to Kriya yoga as" Kriya Yoga central control, body discipline and focus are of Aum. "

Monday 27 June 2011

Health and Fitness

Best ways you can start losing weight, through yoga at the same time working to slow your mind and body. Your body relax once in a while, and can sometimes leave work tired and exhausted we need. During days of heavy, because the rest of us still could not get on our mind.Different poses and postures make your body in shape. Here are seven great yoga poses:

1. Raise legs lying down - Lie on your back and raise your right leg. The first two fingers of his right hand with his right big toe grab or hold a towel wrapped around his legs and then slowly lower your legs toward your right shoulder. Get away as possible and hold, release slowly and repeat with your left leg and hand.

2. Tree - Stand with your feet firmly on the ground. Your company with the left foot, right foot, turn and place your foot against the inside of your left thigh. Place your palms together in prayer pose and extend your arms straight toward the ceiling. Hold, then switch legs.

3. Forward Hero - Sit on your heels and then drag the ankles so that your butt is touching the ground. Sit straight, inhale and raise both hands, bring your elbow to your ear. Keep your butt on the floor, move your torso and your body in your lap cloth.

4. Plough - Lie on your back, arms at your sides and feet. Tighten your abs, keep your legs and put back on its feet. With his toes, trying to touch the ground. Keep your chin to your chest.

5. Downward Dog - all fours with your hands shoulder width apart at the beginning and gradually increase your knee on the ground. Shift your hips as far as possible to lengthen your spine and your spine to the extent that your legs can lie. Looks like an inverted V position

6. 1 warrior - the dog, one foot forward between your hands so that your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Turn your heel down and your hips square forward. Open your chest by lifting the arms over your head and put his palms together. Tilt your head back and moving your tailbone toward the floor (keep your back leg straight) to lengthen the lower back. Hold, then switch sides.

7. Spine Stretch - sit cross-legged, then press your butt into the ground and extend your spine, reaching the crown of your head. Place your right hand on his left knee, breathing and lengthen your spine, then exhale and turn left. Breathe, center, switch sides and repeat for the return. Slide your left hand on the floor and extend right hand to his head. Inhale and reach your toes toward the ceiling, then exhale and reach to the left, pull your right. Take a breath and then switch sides.
Because it is good for total body muscle tone, strength, endurance and increases flexibility. If you are overweight and are aware of your body, yoga will help to reduce fat and you can keep your body in shape. Exercises to burn excess fat and can give you the desired number you want.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Yoga Asanas and Their Benefits

Yoga is a Sanskrit word and the spiritual and physical well-being of a person refers to the meditation practice. Yoga has deep roots in Buddhism with various meditation practices probably the first thing about religions. In terms of the sum of the earliest Hindu Upanishads and declares that the practice of yoga gives a person receives and holds several physically and mentally fit. The sage Patanjali Yoga formal principles and form of yoga known as Raja Yoga is believed to have practiced.
Today the modern practice of yoga and Hatha yoga postures or asanas of Patanjali Yoga for the purification of mind, body posture of the body to refer to a number. Yoga Asana the hands, legs and abdominal muscles to strengthen lower back problems and so the solution is known. Endurance and posture also helps improve chronic pain and body aches.
Some important yoga asanas or postures and their benefits: 1. Anjaneya seat or seat back, legs, chest, arms and back will benefit greetings. The postures and gestures to perform multiple currencies includes improvements in concentration and balance.
2. Girl or baby seat of the currency - the currency is a good start for beginners and relaxation poses. The state thighs, back of neck and shoulder muscles relaxed.
3. Naga Asana or Cobra pose - the lower back and spinal muscle strengthening is advantageous. This posture also strengthens the abdominal muscles of the pelvis, and wrist stretches the chest muscles.
4. Fish posture or pose fist - the seat for the heart and upper respiratory tract congestion relief is good. The thyroid and parathyroid glands stimulates position.
5. Cycle seat or wheels of the currency - a little difficult to seat, however much the backbone, hands, shoulders and heart strengthening good.
6. Padamasana or lotus posture - the focus of the best posture is also a good digestive aid and postures to relieve constipation. It keeps the spine straight and help people with arthritis.
7. Muktha wind or wind releasing pose posture - the posture is very good for an upset stomach and helps in easy release gas and constipation.
8. Proved seat or full exchange - the state of mind and body balance sets. A meditation posture helps to improve concentration.
9. Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations - The approach combines 12 different poses with special breathing. It revitalizes the body posture, reduces fat and tones.
10. Beard posture or body posture - body and mind to relax deeply and used as a resting pose.
There are many benefits of yoga and daily practice to help your body type you have to keep in shape for life to become. A qualified yoga teacher so that you get the most and learn to get advice on the type of yoga poses you need to practice. Preferably performing yoga in the morning or just after night. Keep an empty stomach, to regulate your breathing patterns and posture in a clean and airy room display. Benefits will follow

Yoga for Stomach Ailments and Stomach Diseases Treatment

It is quite common these days suffer from digestive problems or upset stomach. The constantly growing level of stress in our lives are the reason. Constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, acid reflux, gas and so on can be cured by practicing yoga. To add to some extent can help to treat stomach disorders. If the practice of yoga postures, you can not find relief, it is recommended a professional who can guide you further contact health.
Stomach ailments and for various ailments To add more information about the various diseases and Swami Ramdev Yoga Tour
Yoga postures can help you deal with digestive problems. Regular practice of yoga postures help to increase food intake and thereby improve traffic in the gastrointestinal tract. Digestive enzymes in the amount of acid is less than these totals. Yoga postures will help you stomach pain and you think you are a healthy person and editor. Yoga for people to relax and cope with stress is known. As you relax, you at least a cause of stomach problems, which can get rid of stress. Total well-being involves both the mind and spirit and perfect results.
Vajrasana seat is a note that specifically beneficial for people with diabetes and also helps to correct intestinal problems. This is because the abdominal organs active.
The following items are recommended for stomach problems raised: - 1. Trikonasana (triangle pose) 2. Parsvakonasana (extended side angle pose) 3. Trikonasana Parvritta (triangle pose Revolution) 4. Virabhadrasana I (warrior I) 5. Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) 6. Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III) 7. Ustrasana (camel pose)
Semi Chandrasana (Half Moon Crescent Moon currency or currency) Inverse risk of abdominal pain or is useful in troubleshooting. They are useful in the treatment of constipation and for digestion are useful as well. An inverted installation is where the feet are above the heart. For best results, keep at least these few minutes became 15 minutes of course reversed. Reverse the effects of gravity on the intestines become. Reverse some of these poses are as follows: -
(Shoulder Stand) Sarvangasana - the case of abdominal pain for all variants are good as well.
Sirsasana-Head Forward bends such as those listed below are also beneficial. 1. Uttanasana (Bend before the Standing) 2. Marichyasana (Sage Twist) 3. Sirsasana Janu (Head knee forward bend)
As always, any money trying to consult your doctor before. Some extreme poses that people who suffer from inflammatory bowel disease are recommended to include not rotate. Lack of stomach, you greet the sun many times as their drivers to be patient. In addition, considerable length of time to make, Padangusthasana, Janu Sirshasana, Paschimottanasana, all complemented by his elbow back to half the length of time as a forward leans. You should also Viparita Karani, Sarvangasana and if you can, until you can hold currency Sirshasana. It Kapalabhati, Anuloma-Viloma as pranayama, and Suryabhedana Bhastrika will help. Please also follow closely as a sum rule.

kundalini yoga

The human body is a complex system that the vast energy systems that are not immediately obvious to the eye include limited. Life cycles, or life force supplied by the energy of the vortices. Of the blocks in our energy cycles, Kundalini us, the energy relax our mind and body to new heights, challenging and exciting.
Postures, or asanas, are used to activate the body's position and a physical energy and a strong position in the body directly. Kundalini Yoga to use to clean cycles, posture flow of useful life  yoga. Their work, their petals, their sounds, their infinity, their co-relationship, their powers - in fact cycles found on the great men of knowledge. That a person's life is completely based on these cycles. They developed a whole science. This total science gave birth to Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini Yoga is thus born.
First Chakra Root (Muladhara) Chakra: fundamentals, fear, survival
Posture: Crow posture
The second cycle, (Aswadhishtana) Sacral: building desire, relationships
Posture: the frog posture
On the ground, keep your heels and toes. Breathe through the nose while the nose through the legs the knees, exhale drawing.
Third cycle, the solar (Manipur) trap: the action is
Asana: posture stretch
Raise your head and feet six inches of soil. Bring your arms with palms facing up. Look at the toes. Do not breathe fire.
Fourth cycle, the heart (Anahata) Chakra: Love
Asana: posture Camel
If too much made of a section of a camel for you, your lower back for support and put your hands behind your head bow.
Fifth Chakra, throat chakra (pure): Communication
Asana: posture of Cobra
Shoulder on the floor below lie hands, palms down. Push up, lift your heart and let your head still, keeping your pelvis on the ground. If it is too much of a stretch, the Sphinx position, try to rest your elbows on the ground, they bowed their heads backward.
Sixth Chakra, Third Eye (Ajna): intuition, intelligence
Posture: Guru worship
Sit on your heels. Bring your torso and thighs on the floor at the front. On the ground in prayer before you hand extended.
Seventh Chakra, Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra: importance, seat of the soul
Posture: Action Sat
Sit on your heels. Your hands on your head with your right elbow, holding his ear pull. Except the index finger Interlaced, stretching. Men of the right thumb on the left to cross, on the right for women across the left thumb. Mantra "Sat Nam" to a regular rhythm. Roll the "Saturn" without the navel "Vietnam" will gut chanting. Draw energy from the spine. With eyes closed, 50-30 minutes
Sat actions Kundalini Yoga exercise for all cycles. Practice incredibly powerful, complete and whole in a seat and posture. Make action day Saturn will have a profound effect on the function of cycles. Specifically, the task of awakening the Kundalini energy and help you move your spine and cycle through the system.
Cycle is not only the chakra system overall and interrelated. Kundalini Yoga with evil does not work without other people's needs. First gate, the elimination of the lower triangle with the second and third cycles, while the upper triangle fifth, sixth, seventh and focuses on the accumulation cycle. The fourth chakra, heart chakra, balancing between these forces is a matter of course.

dndayamana dhanurasana

Dandayamana Dhanurasana also known as the Standing Bow Pulling pose. It tries to inculcate a sense of balance. Because it develops your balance, it also highlights the level of patience. Concentration increases, your persistence. The seat highly recommended for compensation of heart problems. Clear your cardiovascular system works, many of our problems are related to heart. Blood vessels in every part of your body are stimulated new blood supply due. This allows them to work in better conditions. The presence of plaque in artery walls is very dangerous and can cause fatal diseases. The seat of the wall plaque is removed from the regular performance.
Force and expand it with yoga postures work wonders on your back and spine feel. If you were suffering from back problems and waiting for some relief, it is. The seat miracle pill you have been looking for such a long period. The Bikram yoga postures like help with your back problem, the seat itself. Stretching back because compression makes it soft. Hip, buttocks and thigh muscles in the firm meets with tonic. Also stretch your legs and arms that provide a more robust look to pass through.
The diaphragm, which helps to make breathing easier opens. Many respiratory problems can be improved by posture. Shoulder joint implementation are also available from the exchange. Stiff shoulders, tight fit and provide you with a body are induced. Arrow as your target, hit this posture can succeed if done properly. Many routing problems that our day after that, a tremendous capacity to annoy. It much easier air passing through the diaphragm expands your rib cage. Expand your lungs so that your breathing system supports. At every step, this posture has many benefits that can be provided in allopathic medicine.
If your kidney toxins must be flushed, the seat is the best way to do it. Dandayamana Dhanurasana exchange removes toxins from the kidneys. Your bladder problem can be treated by posture. Urinary system due to the elimination of toxins is clear. Has led to the digestive system, you have digestive problems. A clear digestive system, constipation, gas and other digestive problems to overcome problems related to the mean. It rejuvenates your spirit and helps you be an active person. Slowness due to the provocative posture seems to have lost its way. It removes excess fat from all the required areas and gives you a sleeker look.
Warning: The reader of this section of the article and the site before any of the following postures will take all precautions. The seat is to avoid problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. Responsibility with the reader only has to do with the site or author.

baddha konasan

Baddha Konasana (bound angle pose) because of similarity to a cobblers sitting position known as the laying of cobbler. This is an excellent asana which helps to position the waist and hip. This bending forward posture begins with the employee or Dandasana currency. You must bend the knee with the soles of the feet by. The seat tilting too far forward bending posture is different from others. The seat is open to the focal area of ​​pelvic and hip area to help. This helps the reproductive organs and pelvic area of ​​great help to both women and men are stimulates. To demonstrate the seat menstrual pain helps to overcome the problems. This is very useful at home birth, if practiced regularly during pregnancy. Also clears the problems associated with menopause.
Baddha Konasana abdominal organs and the ovary, prostate, bladder and kidney stimulates. It improves blood circulation and your heart that your body provides all the necessary support energizes. The seat inner thigh hips, knees, and which your body toned and gives a gentle stretches. If you have problems like depression or anxiety this asana can help you overcome this problem. Sciatica problems, people can be treated by performing this asana regularly. It benefits your body pain and suffering for us is because of a great seat. Flat feet and other problems addressed by this posture is known to be a medical treatment. Baddha Konasana practice prevents the attack of many other diseases.
Forward bending postures open the back of the Anahata Chakra helps. It is widely used for back pain problems may be. The seat should be at the beginning or end to open up for the rest of your body. You should avoid doing this asana if you have back or knee injury. It is important to perform this asana while sitting on a blanket, as it supports the thighs. This posture is very important if done properly and at all levels is a long time. This is a very strong currency to handle yourself, maybe you should seek help from your yoga teacher or a partner. You can pose much deeper by adding variations. Their arms resting on the ground floor and to the spine forward with palms on the forehead can be done by dragging.
Warning: The reader of this section of the article and the site before any of the following postures will take all precautions. The seat is to avoid problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. Responsibility with the reader not only lie with the site or the author