Wednesday 29 June 2011

The Inner Smile - a Meditation

Inner Smile is a practicing Hindu traditions, the Buddhist and Taoist. This practice has been a great concern, balance the endocrine system, and you have increased the sense of kindness and compassion. Here's How You ...
A straight-backed chair in a cool (near the edge straight with your feet parallel and knees, sitting), or sit on the ground, whether (in a comfortable cross-legged, or find the location "hero" status, on ankles sitting). The most important thing is to feel relaxed and your spine in a position to be in the top right. Let your eyes close slowly. Take a couple of long deep breath, and exhale as you (either out loud or internally), says, "ah". As you exhale and "ah" feeling in the face of any unnecessary stress, says jaw, neck and shoulders just as a series of silk scarves in the melt, flowing from your body to the ground. Note the feeling of space in your mouth, such as the dome of a temple roof of your mouth.
Now let your breathing return to normal, and float upward to the tip of your tongue, letting it gently on the roof of your mouth just behind your upper front teeth (a "sweet spot" that's just right can find the rest!) Seems is. Keep your tongue lightly touching the roof of your mouth (with your eyes still closed), to smile to myself ... A very soft, subtle smile ... A bit like the Mona Lisa ... As if you just smile at you, for no particular reason, leaving your lips and spread filling. Notice how it feels.
Have your attention now to the bridge of your nose (your eyes) on your forehead between your eyebrows that space the inner edges, ~. Note that when you rest your attention there, makes energy ... Where you can get as a feeling of warmth or tingling. (But whatever your experience, that's great!) Put a stigma on the area and then slowly to the center of your brain to your attention (grab the space between your two ears). So now your mind, your mind is a few inches above the several points. It sits in the center of your brain ~ Taoist Yoga is a place called Crystal Palace, the sum is called the Cave of Brahma in the Hindu tradition. The pineal gland, pituitary and hypothalamus of the house: endocrine system, the "master gland" It is enough to energize these glands, to our attention here, is in itself a wonderful medical practice ..
For your attention later in this place for several minutes (always with a gentle smile, eyes closed, and the tongue lightly touching the roof of your mouth), the rest of your brain, Crystal Palace, Cave of Brahma- to draw your attention to your eyes, and his eyes became as support for the "smiling eyes.", that you the person you love most in this world are looking into the eyes of the imagination ... And they can see you back in your eyes the energy of compassion, acceptance, fill with joy .. Notice how it feels.
Now you "smiling eyes" ~ ~ to any part of your body that you can use internal smile: this place with good energy, the branch, to infuse the body you want to start Maybe! On top of his head by the hair, your head, your brain and eyes and ears ... Work your way down, from head to toe, "touch" your body with every part of the energy of a smile or a place that is injured or sick, or numbness or you choose to smile . You can smile with your heart., Your lungs, your liver, your kidneys, your spleen / pancreas ... Love, do they work for you, day and night with the energy of a smile, welcoming possibilities for these institutions. Are endless!

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