Friday 10 June 2011


The first step:
With both feet touching the face towards the sun stand. , Bring your hands palms together at heart.
Look at your body with vitamins early morning sun enriches - D. required element in an important body
Step Two:
Inhale and raise your hand upwards. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head.
The arm muscle toning and relieve back pain.
Step Three:
Exhale slowly bending forward, touching the earth with respect to the limbs, head touching knees are in line with.
This will tone abs and lower abs.
Step Four:
Inhalation and a comprehensive step right leg back behind the body. Left foot between the hands firmly on the ground Keep hands and feet. Raise your head.
It will tone the thighs.
Step Five:
While exhaling, bring the left foot with the right. Keep your arms straight, raise the hips and align the head with the arms, forming an arc upward.
The neck pain relief Six steps:
Exhale and legs, knees, hands, face and chest in contact with the ground floor to the lower body.
It spread throughout the body, will be shooing away laziness.
Mantra is like a circle. While the above steps constitute the first part of the cycle, the steps below and complete the full circle of benefits offered to help.
Step Seven:
Inhale and slowly raise your head and bend backward as much as possible, to maximize bending spine.
Step Eight:
While exhaling, bring the left foot with the right. Keep your arms straight, raise the hips and align the head with the arms, forming an arc upward.
Step Nine:
Inhalation and a comprehensive step right leg back behind the body. Left foot between the hands firmly on the ground Keep hands and feet. Raise your head.
Tenth step:
Exhale slowly bending forward, touching the earth with respect to the limbs, head touching knees are in line with.
Step Eleven:
Inhale and raise your hand upwards. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head
Step Twelve:
With both feet touching the face towards the sun stand. , Bring your hands palms together at heart.

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