Friday 10 June 2011

kapalabhathi benefits

Kapalbhati Pranayama yoga breathing exercise a miracle, the whole body fitness for yogis of India have invented thousands of years ego. Also diseases that cancer, diabetes, asthma medications such influences are impossible to recover from. According to Swami Ramdev, kapalbhati Sanjivani on earth (that is what breathes life). Many patients adopt it in their daily lives have acquired a healthy and happy life.
Asthma and Yoga Pranayama and Yoga for more information about yoga for spine
"Kapalbhati a Sanskrit word is'. Forehead and 'hood' means' Bhati 'means light shows. The breathing exercise forehead shine and sparkle, which means that all diseases will disappear and body cleansing, healthy and is happy becomes.
Process kapalbhati
Kapalbhati ideally should be done after an overnight fast, so early morning is a problem, the food should be used within 3-4 hours. We sit in the lotus or sukhasana inhale and exhale forcefully passiely must. To ensure that aeration of blood. Even a disability to sit in the lotus to the right column may not be able to sit on a chair with a person. Inhalation and exhalation can be nostril and the abdominal muscles should be activated.
Kapalbhati term performance
15 minutes is more than enough for a normal person the other pranayama Anuloma Viloma, Ujjayee, and Bhastrika Bhramari are made. But vitiligo or liver problems, cancer or even sterility or other tumors in people with skin problems such as, over a period should be half an hour.
How kapalbhati Pranayama
1. A comfortable position to sit cross-legged with back straight. Hands on knees in either chin or Gyana currency. Face to be comfortable.
2. Breathing through the contraction of abdominal muscles strong and expanding stomach exhale through both nostrils dark. (Pull the abdominal muscles and exhale through the nose early gut deal.) Air is expelled from the lungs by contraction of the diaphragm.
3. To breathe again, but after the end of inhalation should not involve any effort. To inhale just relax and the lungs expand and air will be filled automatically. We can begin with 10 respiration. Completed 10 rapid exhalation and natural inhalation, to breathe deeply and exhale. It is a ride. As we practice pranayama with 3 laps kapalbhati can start practicing.
Additional points to remember:
1. Exercise if you feel uncomfortable at any time during the year should not be.
2. Kapalbhati should be practiced on an empty stomach.
3. Kapalbhati seat and (at least 10 minutes) and at rest after the first focus should be practiced
Benefits Kapalabhati
1. Kapalabhati clean the lungs and the respiratory system.
2. Cleanse the blood and oxygen to all body cells is an increased supply.
3. Improve digestion.
4. Abdominal muscles are strengthened.
5. Preparing the mind for meditation.
6. Mental work to turn heads.
Kapalbhati be practiced by people who should not
1. Heart disease
2. High blood pressure
3. Hernia
4. Never should practice when an asthmatic attack is in progress.
5. You dizzy or experience pain, stop the exercise until the feeling passes better. Exercise can be started with less force.
6. Rapid exhalation should be comfortable for themselves. Ie fast end should not be very energetic.

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