Saturday 11 June 2011

baddha konasan

Baddha Konasana (bound angle pose) because of similarity to a cobblers sitting position known as the laying of cobbler. This is an excellent asana which helps to position the waist and hip. This bending forward posture begins with the employee or Dandasana currency. You must bend the knee with the soles of the feet by. The seat tilting too far forward bending posture is different from others. The seat is open to the focal area of ​​pelvic and hip area to help. This helps the reproductive organs and pelvic area of ​​great help to both women and men are stimulates. To demonstrate the seat menstrual pain helps to overcome the problems. This is very useful at home birth, if practiced regularly during pregnancy. Also clears the problems associated with menopause.
Baddha Konasana abdominal organs and the ovary, prostate, bladder and kidney stimulates. It improves blood circulation and your heart that your body provides all the necessary support energizes. The seat inner thigh hips, knees, and which your body toned and gives a gentle stretches. If you have problems like depression or anxiety this asana can help you overcome this problem. Sciatica problems, people can be treated by performing this asana regularly. It benefits your body pain and suffering for us is because of a great seat. Flat feet and other problems addressed by this posture is known to be a medical treatment. Baddha Konasana practice prevents the attack of many other diseases.
Forward bending postures open the back of the Anahata Chakra helps. It is widely used for back pain problems may be. The seat should be at the beginning or end to open up for the rest of your body. You should avoid doing this asana if you have back or knee injury. It is important to perform this asana while sitting on a blanket, as it supports the thighs. This posture is very important if done properly and at all levels is a long time. This is a very strong currency to handle yourself, maybe you should seek help from your yoga teacher or a partner. You can pose much deeper by adding variations. Their arms resting on the ground floor and to the spine forward with palms on the forehead can be done by dragging.
Warning: The reader of this section of the article and the site before any of the following postures will take all precautions. The seat is to avoid problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. Responsibility with the reader not only lie with the site or the author

1 comment:

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